Receptores LINUX - ANDROID > CoolStream HD1

Howto transfer files via FTP


Howto transfer files via FTP

Hello dear Coolis to transfer here once a small guide to files via FTP program to CoolStream too.

Here is an explanation based on the FTP program

Flash FXP download and install.

After the program launch can be seen on the left side of the computer contents, right then displays the contents of the CoolStream.

Connection to create CoolStream

In the right pane:

1. Create the flash on click> Quick Connect, it will open a new window
2. Enter For server: the IP address of the CoolStream
3. Username: root
4. Password: CoolStream
5. Click on Connect

After successful connection with the CoolStream you can navigate through the directory structure of the Cooli, move files, create directories (eg, emu, keys directories, as the Article condition are not in the original image) Change permissions for files.

Transferring a file from the PC to the CoolStream

In CoolStream file system to navigate to the directory where the file should be copied.

1. In the PC window, select the file to be transferred
2. The transfer button "click"
3. The file is copied into the selected list of CoolStream.

Customize Rights

Adapt, the rights shall be:

1. The copied file on the CoolStream with the right mouse button select, it opens a small selection window here> Attributes / chmod> button which again opens a window.

Here you can customize the rights, either set by hook or directly enter the number. e.g. 755

and click OK.

So, that's for the first time.

Many thanks 3ultra



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