Config CSP/CacheEx dynamic wait
wait_time = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid][:awtime][:]dwtime
csp_ecm_filter = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid]
wait_time = (for csp, ex3 and ex2)
csp_ecm_filter = (only for csp)
wait_time = 250 # means all requests have 250ms dyn wait time when old cache3 hit found
wait_time = 0:50:250 # means all requests have always wait time and 250 dyn wait time when old cache3 hit was found
wait_time = 17:950 means all 17XX have dyn wait time when old cache3 hit found
wait_time = 1702&ffdf:950 means all 1702/1722 have dyn wait time when old cache3 hit found
wait_time = 0:950:0 means all have always wait time whitout checking cache3 hit
csp_ecm_filter = 17,1833,1834,1830,09C4,09C7,0D05
oscam.user (for ex3)
cacheex_ecm_filter = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid]
oscam.server (for ex2)
cacheex_ecm_filter = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid]
csp_ecm_filter/cacheex_ecm_filter only set entry's will add to cache
Config CW Cycle Check
cwcycle_check_caid = caid to check
maxcyclelist = max Count of Cyclelist Entrys *Default 500 ** max 4000 Entrys*
keepcycletime = min Keep Learned Cycletime in Memory *Default 0 ** max 15 Min*
onbadcycle = 0 only log ; 1 ignore ECM ; 2 ask reader again
Last Upd/Fix
fix for build without cacheex
cwc rev 5 for trunk > 8052, by blaky
csp is now in trunk (8060)
with small change
add drop csp cache detection on zreo ecmd5
allow request, default on
remove log patch is now in trunk
log rev 2 rev 8040
fix for dvbapi
log rev 1 rev 8030
extended log
ecmfmt = c&p/d/s/l:h.e_w
e - csp_hash
w- cryptword
got pushed ECM 1702&000000/0000/000B/00:E60C7786B1AB7183016B1E1754CE924C.1FB55160_6030D26293D6056EE4B77F1A780DF87D
cwc_changes rev5
6144 Both
*chid support
*no more "Same CW" log on cache3 answer
*CSP-Hash stored if no ECM MD5 exist and used for checking old ECM's
*other log changes
csp rev5
change logging to own level 2048
csp rev4
minimize hit list entry with merge groups
use now 1,5 of ecm cleantup time for cleanup hitlist (same before)
cwc rev4
fix typo
cwc rev3
fix list size counting
fix missing upd on "only once list"
cwc rev.2
fix in cwc max list size counting
cwc list size grow up, max 4000, default 500
with both acknowledge, we will merge
[CSP] wait or not wait... (dynamic wait) [nofollow][CSP] wait_time (by caid) [nofollow]CW Cycle Check [nofollow][/list]
blaky & TNe
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