View full version: PrismCube HD Marusys XBMC4STB
  1. el deco se me quedo en boot
  2. Black Hole Prism 1.7.3
  3. Agradecimientos
  4. Movie Add-On
  5. File Manager
  6. Channel List
  7. Network
  8. How live stream on you Prismcube
  9. How get info when will finished playing video
  10. How get recent channel list
  11. How copy movie, music, picture to HDD with FileManager
  12. How play your music from your PrismCube HDD
  13. How use uploader tool
  14. How Webinterface XBMC media center on PC
  15. How live channel TV on PC from Prismcube
  16. How recover Prismcube after a failed flash
  17. How install *.bhp (Black Hole packages)
  18. How to setup Universal RCU
  19. How simply install *.zip file
  20. How downloading Subtitles over Prismcube Ruby
  21. How enable Music Library
  22. How show the weather in the XBMC background
  23. How add picons to the receiver
  24. How use FTP connection
  25. Firstly Setup of Prismcube
  26. How to install the BlackHole Prism image
  27. Prism Cube HD Marusys XBMC4STB