Receptores LINUX - ANDROID > PrismCube HD Marusys XBMC4STB

How simply install *.zip file


Often you can find to the Internet interesting ZIP addon or repository. Here is a tip to quickly add zip files to your prismcube, without the need for USB key.

Download Add-on ZIP file to the PC
Insert IP address AB IPBox Prismcube to the explorer (or some other file manager) and go to:
 Put here your ZIP file

Use Prismcube and go to the XBMC -> System -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file
 Next you select Root filesystem -> tmp -> [YOUR_ZIP_FILE] and click OK

New Addon will installed
 It is all. Enjoy.

tmp directory is a directory of temporary files and after restart of the receiver will automatically cleaned.
So no need delete the zip file manually.



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