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Backup tool for Vuplus NFI images including USB Support


Backup tool for Vuplus NFI images including USB Support


I once (worked on numerous requests received from forum members) for the purpose of progression for the duo Vuplus that NFI now a backup is possible, similar to a Dreambox.
It is one part NFI supports a backup and the other a USB backup and restore on a different box.

The backup tool is composed of a shell script and a binary that works on every Vuplus Duo, so that a complete backup of the relevant areas of Flash can be created.

Both the backup in the form of IFN-file for direct flashing with VuUtil as well as the three known files including the folder structure needed for USB Flashing variant generated automatically. The restore of a so-called backup image is the same as a normal image, so I can save myself at this point, a description, because I assume that everyone should get along with them.

The attached two files are simply copied to "/ usr / bin" (build-nfi-image and build image). The best way this is done via FTP client. Especially since you can set several FTP clients to immediately file permissions to 755. Alternatively, the shell a "chmod 755 / usr / bin /" and "chmod 755 build image" will be deposited. The remaining files in the RAR archive for VTI images without relevance.

The backup script can now be starting to enter " Destination Folder" started directly in the shell.

Example: / media / hdd / backup

The script should preferably not be terminated prematurely. The script will automatically exit when the backup of your box has been made.
As always, you should have enough free space for the backup image have, therefore, in the extreme case, a maximum of 128 MB, which corresponds to the size of internal flash memory.

Otherwise, no additional requirements are necessary.

One would hint at VTI with the next release is also an integration of my NFI backup tools, which then directly on the VTI-panel and thus the remote control can be called.

As always, the use of the tool at your own risk and without liability.

PS: I also hope that will be spent wisely and carefully drawn so that only backups for their own purposes, so we do not meet en masse at one time backup images to download.

Gracias a scope34

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plugin for image adapted to the PLI / no longer need to manually add mkfs.jffs2 and dumpnand /
creates a complete backup of NFI and usb drive
unpack the bundle. ipk move to / tmp and install telnet: ipkg install / tmp / *. ipk
Enigma restart and appear in the plugins ...

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Build nfi Image Vuplus


trotz des schwülen Wetters habe ich eben auf die Schnelle die Erweiterung erstellt.

Vorab die neue Version, um beide Boxen (Duo/Solo) zu erkennen und entsprechend zu behandeln. Einfach die bestehende Datei unter /usr/bin/ ersetzen und danach auf die entsprechenden Rechte (755) achten.

Viel Spaß damit und freut euch schon auf die nächten Tage, bis dahin wünsche ich euch noch einen schönen Abend....

gracias a scope34

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vale ok.....gracias.....


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